
Employee Productivity

Behavioral Analysis of employees can be done through User Progressive reports of employees.

The Data Comprises of

Total Time

It is the total hours of work spent by an employee after he logs in.

Idle Time

It is the passive time spent by the employee during his working hours.

Unproductive Time

It is the time spent on unproductive applications, apps, URLs during his working hours

Desktop Time

It is the active time spent by an employee on his system/desktop.

Productive Time

It is the time spent by an employee on his assigned project’s related files, apps or URLs

Productivity in percentage

It is the analysis of productivity in percentage

This analysis provides screentime of employees in a week which directly indicates their consistency in productivity delivered during work. Also, the data lists down all the productive apps, URLs visited along with a list of unproductive apps accessed.

Keep Track of Your Progress, and Make Sure You Don't Miss Any Important Tasks

Self Assessment & Self improvement Capability

This graphical productivity analysis lets an employee do his self assessment on the productivity delivered by him in comparison to other employees in the organization. Such analysis leaves a complete scope for self improvement for the employee knowing his daily performance.

Real-time screen view

This feature provides real-time sneak peek into employee’s productivity status by capturing screenshots of the data being accessed/worked upon.

Self Assessment & Self improvement Capability